Monday, March 14, 2011

Palette Swap Lvl 2: Springtime for plaid ties and corduroy

Well hey guys.  It's spring all of a sudden so I'm spending my time outside instead of blogging my brains out.  So... brief post as a companion to some of my other posts.  After the jump...


So it's finally spring.  That screaming hellbeast of a winter has finally been murdered, and not a day too soon.  But spring is having some growing pains, so while it was like 43 degrees today (translation for non-new englanders: it was warm enough that I saw about half-a-dozen people in shorts) it was pretty cloudy and drab for most of the day.

Now, I really liked my first official outfit of spring and wanted to keep the main elements of it, but the yellow shirt/green pants/blue sneakers was a bit too bright for the weather.  So it was Palette Swap time!

Green cords --> Purple cords
Plaid shirt --> Green shirt w/ plaid tie
Blue sneakers --> Blue suede Docs

Then I swapped out the black striped scarf just for good measure and was out the door.

I love thinking of my outfits this way because it keeps it simple even with a ton of stuff (I think I own somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 individual items).  I liked one look and I can repeat it in different contexts easily.  Not the right day for a bright yellow plaid shirt? try a muted plaid tie.  Don't want to wear the same pants with the new outfit?  Same pants, different color.  Don't want everyone staring at your bright blue kicks?  Muted blue shoes (note: blue shoes are slightly out of the mainstream, but... that's kind of the way I roll, if this doesn't work for you think longwing brogues vs. plain cap-toes if you're feeling traditional.)

Another advantage is that it lets you create cohesive looks without perpetually wearing exactly the same thing.  If you don't really know exactly how to branch out it your clothes purchases, this is a good place to start.

I also punched it up a bit with this tie bar (that Ashley made me) and some aviators, both in gold hues.

Just to keep it classy.

So there's your springtime primer.  Get out there and wear some colors.  Cause we have the daylight for it now.  I mean it's 5:38 and sunny, thank god the sun god came back.  Means all those goat sacrifices weren't for nothing.

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