Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Things I think are totally awesome... argyle socks

Argyle socks are awesome.  There's just no two ways about it.  If you've noticed (and if you haven't noticed what are you doing on this blog?)  they're all I wear.  I have trouble in summer because I only own long argyle socks and they're pretty hard to wear when it's 90+ degrees (though lord knows I do, how I suffer for style!).  Anyway, after the break there's hot hot sexy women wearing only argyle socks...

Haha, I'm kidding of course.  This is zero smut area.  I think naked women would dilute the impact my clothes have.  If you want some nudity go ahead and check out almost every other site on the internet.  I'm gonna talk about men's socks!  Wait! Come back!  It'll be funny and informative I promise!

Goddamn do I love argyle socks.  They've literally (and by literally I mean figuratively) been all I wear since about 9th grade.  You'll notice the black pair in the top left hand corner, they have a really subtle black on black argyle that you can only see from about 2 inches away.

Holy shit, he's wearing a hoodie, I thought he
knew how to dress himself!
They'll always be the perfect blend of punk rock and old man fashion, they're traditional (hell, even the British wear them) but still uncommon enough to get some looks (when people can see your socks).  They're just about the only place that every fashion blogger on the inter-tubes can come together and say, "you might dress like a total douche, but at least you have on some bitchin' socks."

I think they're also a great way to not look too matchy-matchy,  but to keep you from looking like you rainbow man or something like that.

Holy Shit look at that outfit!
(Navy 3-piece with navy/gray buttons, red shirt, gold
 tie with navy polka dots, leopard print shoes and
red/gray/navy socks FTW)
Then again, if you want to look super put together (I know I know, men shouldn't look like they tried too hard, tell that to your $6,000 suit you had bespoke and took a year to have finished that you wear with a slanty tie bar that somehow makes you look like you barely tried to get dressed, douchebag) as I do on certain occassions (mostly new years and my birthday).  You can fuckin' nail it down hardcore to the final details with a well selected pair of argyle socks.

Now, I'm not saying that you should run out and buy 20 pairs of argyle socks (I'm saying that within this parenthetical though), but they're something that I think are totally awesome and that more people should wear.

At the end of the day though I can't say I only own argyle socks.   The pair of ankle socks in the lower left (top picture) are from when I tore the heel out of an argyle sock at the bowling alley and needed to buy a pair.  I usually wear them on laundry day.


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