Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giving thanks (mostly for tweed though)

It's definitely the country, I'm pretty sure we were contractually obligated to wear tweed.
Happy Holiday's everyone!  Well... I suppose not our non-american audience (of which there is at least one! Hey Egypt!), but everyone else.  I hope you're recovering nicely from the turkey overload.  I've been soooooo busy with a cold, school and turkey that I haven't had time to post.  But I have had time to wear tweed.  And so did my cousin Damon (on the left... no, the other left... my left) and John S. (on my right, with the bitchin' moustache).  Because even though it's about family and food and all that other good stuff (seriously, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays) it's always a good day to be a snappy dresser.  More of our jinks (most hi, some low) after the jump...

Now I have to give credit to our parents generation.  They totally rejected the previous generations sartorial choices.  As they should.  I firmly believe each generation should find their own identity.  To that end, we've started dressing up.  The big difference (to my mind) is that we don't live in a world where suits are necessary day wear.  And that's a good thing.  We have a new freedom, but we don't have to reject it by dressing like hippies or slackers.  We can dress like grown-ups.  I like to wear ties, but I'm sure I wouldn't if I had to.

Anyway, our families are great and we have a ton of fun.  And because we all grew up tromping through the woods we know you can do it in fancy clothes, you just can't really climb trees.

Holy shit!  A russian
gangster in the woods!

You can (and should) however, wear cufflinks.

After a fun time in the woods, we had another night.  We found four loko in a liquor store (that stuff is lethal, NEVER drink it) and decided to stock up before it disappeared forever (RIP sparks).  That was a "fun" time (by fun I mean hangover in a can).  I won't go into details, but I will say this.  Matching your can of four loko to your argyle sweater vest = sartorial power move.  If you've gotta drink swill (and this stuff is swill, I say again DO NOT DRINK IT), you might as well do it in style.

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