Sunday, October 17, 2010

What this blog is and isn't

As we're just starting out, this blog will certainly begin as one thing and become another.  But(t) for now you can expect a few things.  Ashley will write her own stuff, and I'm not going to say what that will or will not be, but as far as Alex is concerned with his half...

This picture says a lot of what this blog is.

1. This isn't Permanent Style (a blog I like), I'm not writing about the history of clothes and how to buy bespoke suits.  I'm going to be doing something ludicrous in most of these pictures.  See, I don't work in an office, I don't NEED to dress up for anything and I live in Portland, ME, a city where putting on jeans and a button up shirt puts you in the top 1/3 of dressy people.  This is a blog for people like me, young, individualistic and stylish.  If you want to read about what to wear to your office there's 10,000 other blogs you can read.

2.  This isn't An Affordable Wardrobe (a blog I really like) As much as I love goodwill, salvation army and any other place you can get a $500 suit for $5 this isn't a blog about shopping.  I have my wardrobe, it's mine, what you should be thinking about is "do I like that?" if you do, go seek out something similar.  I'm not trying to tell you how to dress, I'm showing you how I dress, why I like what I like and what you should look for to decide if you want to try to develop your own style (emphasis on YOUR OWN, why would you want someone else's style?)

3.  This isn't A Continuous Lean (a blog I have mixed feelings about).  I'm not obsessed with American goods and tradition.  I think more stuff should be made in America.  I think people should feel less disposable about the goods they buy.  But that's not what this blog is, so try and avoid sweatshops and crappy construction, but if you can't... hey, no judgement here.

4.  This is not a Men's Magazine (which I generally don't like).  I don't give a shit about labels or foul language.  Fuck 'em.  Stuff's either nice, and you like it, or it's crap and you don't.  I'm not above paying a little more for something special (a nice coat or suit) but just about everything on here will have cost me $20 or less.  If I have something particularly nice I might post the label as a way of bragging, but I'm not going to do any posts about $5000 suits or $600 shoes.

5.  This is most certainly not a blog about a "look" or time period or "trad" wear or "prep" or "heritage" or any of the buzzwords on the net.  I got little love for the "ivy-league" look.  I got lots of love for the straight up anarchist punk look (though I stopped wearing it around 16).  Based on my exhaustive calculations, this blog will be 20% more edgy than the mean, 30% more lame than the hip blogs and feature 100% more zombie fights.

So... if that sounds like what you want in a blog.  You're in the right place.

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