Thursday, October 21, 2010

Things I think are totally awesome... vests

As you can see.  I love wearing vests.  My bio says "30% olde-tyme saloon- keep.  There's a reason for that.  Olde Tyme saloon-keeps were awesome.  And their vests were awesome (so were their mustaches. More on that in a later post).
I think what I love the most about vests is how versatile they are.  If you wear one on its own it... 

(aside from making you look like a badass 70's cop)

a)Keeps your tie down (you're not wearing a tie? who does that?)
b)Is kind of like a jacket.  You still get that V-shape on your torso, but you keep your arms free.  This is important for all those things you need to hold (groceries, sacks of money, dead cute little kittens) as a real person.
c)Is not so much like a jacket that you can't put another jacket on over it.  It looks like a super dressed down 3 piece suit .  And 3 piece suits are awesome.

d)It's not like wearing one shirt over another shirt (I hate it when people do that)
e)You look like a bartender that people would take seriously.  And even rich successful people can take advice from a bartender.  As long as he looks classy.
and smart.


  1. Alex, this post is kind of indicative of one of those reasons that I love you, man, you know?

    Mustaches and vests. Damn right.

  2. I believe if you wear a vest on its own, you like like an extra from "The Warriors".

  3. Light Rail Tycoon you raise a good point. IF YOU WEAR A VEST MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOME OTHER CLOTHES ON UNDER IT!


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