Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Alex and Ashley DYE... in a horrible black vat!

Ewwwwww... why would you post a picture of some gross pool of grossness?  Well... it's a long story, let me take you on a trip into the past (LOST style flashback woosh.....)

It was 1970... I was in the jungles of Vietnam looking for Colonel Kurtz... wait... no that's the plot of Apocalypse Now... Oh yeah!  I just had this old field jacket from a friend when I was a kid.  It's pretty sweet.  Just a light cotton jacket with plenty of pockets.  Now, apparently field jackets are big this season, and so is camo.  But I fucking hate camo.  Always have (there's a reason this jacket is still just sitting around after I've owned it for like 12 years).  I don't exactly know why, I just think it's tacky to wear outside of combat zones.  This isn't exactly my look and no matter how trendy it is, I can't imagine it becoming a wardrobe staple, but when I brought it from home (my parents home) I realized that Ashley dyes things.  Why couldn't she dye a jacket?  It's cotton, you can dye cotton.  Right?  I don't have any idea.  Guess we'll find out.
I guess not... We tried valiantly, but we didn't do all the stuff you're supposed to do.  We just stuck it in a little plastic container with hot water and rit dye for a while.  I figured it wasn't that dark, we were dying it black, it HAD to work.  It didn't.  That'll teach me to believe in anything.  I tried my best and failed miserably, the lesson here is never try.  But wait!  Weren't there other instructions on the box?  Shouldn't we have added salt and detergent?  Shouldn't we have left it for at least 30 minutes?  YES!  OF COURSE!  This can be saved!  So now... (LOST style flashback woosh bringing us back to the present)

 AHHAHAHAHA!!!!  MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!  IT'S ALIIIIIIIVE!!!  Wait... no, it's just black now.  Or is it?  We couldn't wait to see the result, but alas...

All that work and it wound up about where we started (just like Vietnam hey-ooo... too soon?).  Maybe next time we'll just use spray paint.


  1. I was looking for fashion advice for my grad student boyfriend, and found your blog. (Love it, by the way.) I thought I'd make a suggestion: If you're absolutely certain that the fabric is cotton, you should check out fiber reactive procion dyes. I like the ones sold by Dharma Trading Co. They also sell all sorts of great washes, etc. for prepping fabric so that you can be certain that the dye will take. I'm not affiliated in any way, but I've ordered from them in the past and they're great.

  2. Thanks anonymous! I'm glad you went back through the archives too. Your advice is appreciated, we might try again soon! Keep reading! More advice is on the way.

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